Wallpapers from the web

Not so random list of wallpapers/desktop backgrounds that I liked on the web. Not listed in any particular order. Compiled for personal reference. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper/comments/eo2sn0/sunset_ocean_waves_1920_x_1080/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper/comments/eu5wzz/mt_battisti_british_columbia_in_the_canadian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper/comments/euqf4k/blurry_4k_wallpaper_3840_x_2160/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper/comments/euhnga/louise_lake_canada_19201080/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper/comments/etr9n4/no_winter_lasts_forever_no_spring_skips_its/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper/comments/esoudz/small_memory_by_mikael_gustaffson_3840x2400/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper/comments/es76lw/flower_beautiful_bloom_blooming_blossom_botanical/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpapers/comments/eumdq0/te_deum_by_andreas_rocha_3840x2160/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpapers/comments/esrmtd/on_the_run_5120x2880/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper/comments/eo75w8/pyramids_minimalist_landscape_3840_x_2160/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper/comments/em2jhf/manhattan_aerial_night_photo_3840x2160/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper/comments/elc2t1/3d_abstract_4k_wallpaper_3840_x_2160/

Styling with CSS in 2018

In an effort to revamp my websites, I have ventured into looking at current state of the CSS art. I have been picking up Bootstrap by default for more than a while. At some point, I was very impressed by Metro/Modern design language that Microsoft was adopting and thus used Metro UI CSS 2.0  for my … Continue reading Styling with CSS in 2018

Culmination of next stage of world stability

As we have seen in last couple of centuries, every few long decades the world undergoes some kind of stability shift. This may mean a shift in how government works, or how economy works or can be a change is global power dynamics, as we have most recently seen with the conclusion of cold war … Continue reading Culmination of next stage of world stability

Irony of language fondness

There is an irony about fondness of language in a programmer’s life. I am not very particular about any programming language, I can read and understand and code in quite a few of those. But, my affection is not same for every language I know, and there is the irony. My favorite language is C++. … Continue reading Irony of language fondness

Oh Facebook! plz serve me with better ad

There is an ongoing wave of discussion about Facebook privacy policy update. Apparently, people are more concerned about Facebook policies than Google's policies while they should be more worried about Google's. Now, a lot of so called privacy advocates tell that corporations are selling "you" to make money. Now what is the premise here? Facebook, … Continue reading Oh Facebook! plz serve me with better ad

Just another comment on Tablets

Today one of my friends was asking on Facebook, what are the utilities of Tablets? I commented what I thought about it, and here it follow: Until Surface came, tablet was immature. Now, it is getting a shape and user base too. Here, at US, I see a lot of people using tablets. They have … Continue reading Just another comment on Tablets

Defy or deify English grammar?

Apparently, grammar does not bear any significance. Just look around, lay your ears and listen, read status updates, tweets, posts floating abound in streams of social networks – even newspapers, official documents, emails sent by executives. What do you notice? Every day, with utmost annoyance, I read and hear English sentences, if linguists agree to … Continue reading Defy or deify English grammar?